Marko is the oldest in the group of friends. He’s 17 years old and the older twin brother of Apollo.
In reality, Marko should be envied by the other neighbors (who live with a certain sense of 'hopelessness' without knowing why) because he leads a peaceful, relaxed life—nothing bothers him, and he never feels anxious about stressful situations. Others see this in two ways: as a blessing, since he’s a young man who can stay calm, reason through things, and not overreact; and as a curse, since he seems to live in a bubble, unaware of what’s happening around him, earning him the reputation of being 'a bit slow', as some have called him.
He’s always willing to help, loves reading and teaching, and enjoys retro video games—though he’s not as much of a fan as his two friends. Still, he always has fun playing with them. Marko prefers to relax in the shade of a tree, simply existing, reading, or spending time at home with his brother.
Sometimes, he feels like someone is following him, but he believes it’s just that—a feeling, nothing to worry about.
He enjoys gardening; he planted the flowers in front of his house himself, but he often finds them trampled and is curious to know who’s responsible.
For a while, he used to find love letters addressed to him in his mailbox, but one day, they simply stopped coming.
He cares deeply for his two friends, Evelyn and Veronikka. While he abandoned the childhood adventures of spying on neighbors, he enjoys watching Veronikka have fun with it and has no problem chatting with her about it.