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Elvira, 35 years old, is a somewhat problematic resident. The neighbors know better than to make comments that might upset her, or else they won’t escape her yelling.
She is an alcoholic who lives alone, surrounded by wine bottles, though she always tries to dress well and look presentable when she goes out. She struggles financially, as she can never seem to hold a job for long. She was in a relationship for a while with a man, an ex-military officer, who one day vanished without a trace. Some believe Elvira fell apart because of his disappearance, as she has been in this state ever since. However, those who knew her from before insist she has always been this way—an alcoholic with a bad temper—and that perhaps That Man left because of it.

It's not uncommon for her to ask for money, claiming she needs it for food or hygiene products, though everyone knows it's really for more wine.

She rarely has visitors, but when she does, she makes sure to clean her home thoroughly and welcomes them as best she can.
Despite everything, Elvira is not entirely happy with her situation. She hates being labeled as an alcoholic and a beggar by her neighbors, so she tries her best to find work. However, whenever she manages to get a job, she ends up losing it due to absences and lateness caused by her drinking. She has tried countless times to regain her position as an administrative secretary at the town’s school, but until she gets her life together, they won’t take her back.

She deeply admires Esther. To Elvira, she is everything she ever dreamed of being.